Welcome my sisters in Christ!

We extend a warm and heartfelt welcome to each and every one of you. Here at our fellowship, we believe in the power of coming together as women of faith to form a community centered around love, support, and growth. Fellowship holds a special place in our hearts because, through shared experiences and understandings, we can encourage and uplift one another in our faith journey. We invite you to join our community, where we engage in thoughtful conversations, celebrate joys, navigate challenges, and pray for one another.

The hour is growing shorter, and the days seem to be getting darker…BUT God has prepared you all for such a time as this to be your authentic selves and to reach the souls that have been specifically assigned to you.  With the help and guidance of Holy Spirit, we are vessels used to draw in souls to Christ Jesus (assigned to our hands). Jesus said:

My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father’s hand. I and My Father are one.” – John 10:29-30 (NKJV)

It is time to get off the milk, Saints.  It is time we stopped hoarding our knowledge of the Word, speaking the same things over and over, and start applying the wisdom we have gleaned from Holy Spirit in our valleys and on our mountain tops of our lives.  Paul says in Hebrews:

… we have much to say, and hard to explain, since you have become dull of hearing. For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the first principles of the oracles of God; and you have come to need milk and not solid food. For everyone who partakes only of milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, for he is a babe. But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil. Therefore, leaving the discussion of the elementary principles of Christ, let us go on to perfection, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God, of the doctrine of baptisms, of laying on of hands, of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment. And this we will do if God permits. – Hebrews 5:9-6:3 (NKJV)

Looking forward to the fellowship, accountability, and growth together in the Lord.

Be salt, be light –

Prayer Warriors Advance Team

Books of Study

This year we will be covering the entire book of Acts. We will cover Acts1-14 through the Fall and Acts 15-28 through the Spring fellowshipping together 11 times. To supplement our study of the Book of Acts, we will be using the following books: , Disciples in Action by Leroy Eims, Gifts of the Holy Spirit by Kenneth E Hagin, The Amazing Collection: The New Testament Historical Books by Big Dream Ministries (Acts section), and The Disciples Cross by Avery T Willis Jr.  We believe that as sisters in Christ, we all have unique gifts and perspectives to contribute to our community. It is through these diverse gifts that we grow together, fostering an environment of learning, enlightenment, and spiritual growth. We encourage you to come and share your wisdom, insights, and experiences with us.

Please order these books and be ready to study and share all that the Holy Spirit Himself has revealed.


Click the book titles* below for the fellowship material:

Primary Book for Fall & Spring: Disciples in Action by Leroy Eims is a study of the apostles’ ministry from the book of Acts. It focuses on the practical aspects of disciple-making and the process of spiritual growth in Christians. The book explores how to nurture and guide believers to maturity, emphasizing the importance of time, tears, love, and patience. Key aspects that will be covered include Early Church Discipleship, Meeting Basic Needs, Identifying and Training Leaders, and Maturity and Spiritual Growth.

Supplemental book for Fall & Spring: Gifts of the Holy Spirit by Kenneth E Hagin is a study of spiritual gifts that has become increasingly important as the Body of Christ prepares for these end-times. This book closely examines the word of knowledge, the word of wisdom, discerning of spirits, faith, working of miracles, gifts of healings, interpretation of tongues, and prophecy. This informative study guide answers such questions as: Can anyone prophesy? Are there practical uses for the gifts of the Spirit? Is there a difference between natural and supernatural healing? Does everyone have the gift of faith? This dynamic 13-lesson study guide is designed for group or personal devotions.

Supplemental book for Spring: The Disciples Cross by Avery T Willis Jr is a Bible study that helps you experience life in Christ through practicing six identified biblical disciplines: spending time with the Master, living in the Word, praying in faith, fellowshipping with believers, witnessing to the world, and ministering to others.

Supplemental (Excerpts provided): The Amazing Collection: The New Testament Historical Books by Big Dream Ministries is a study of the love letter compiled into sixty-six books and written over a period of sixteen hundred years by more than forty authors living on three continents. Although the authors came from different backgrounds, there is one message, one theme, one thread that runs throughout the entire Bible from the first book, Genesis, to the last book, Revelation. That message is God’s redeeming love for mankind—a message that is as relevant for us today as it was two thousand years ago. These five books (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Acts) begin with the birth of Jesus Christ and conclude with the first imprisonment of the apostle Paul about six decades later. Over the course of these decades, God introduced elements of His sovereign plan that turned the world upside down. He moved from an emphasis on the nation of Israel to an emphasis on the church, from a covenant of law to a covenant of grace, from His Holy Spirit merely coming upon people to actually indwelling them, and from commanding Israel to live in such a way as to attract others to commanding the church to disperse throughout the world and make disciples of all nations. The Gospels give us four similar but distinct accounts of Jesus the Messiah, God’s Son. His birth, childhood, ministry, teaching, miracles, arrest, trials, death, and resurrection are all handled differently by the four authors, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. But in every record, by the time the tomb of Jesus was empty, the world had been changed. While the Gospels tell the story of the life of Christ, the book of Acts tells the story of the church of Christ. From its founding on the Day of Pentecost in the city of Jerusalem, through its expansion around the then-known world, to its crisis when the apostle Paul was imprisoned in Rome for the first time, the story is one of excitement, intrigue, incredible growth, and life-changing encounters.

*When purchasing the books with the Amazon links, a percentage of the total purchase will be donated back to the ministry.  


Additional Resources Needed:

Fellowship Times/Dates

Our Fellowship table has grown over the last few years, yet it still embraces the unity and support of all those at our table.  The Fellowship not only encompasses the virtual discussion of God’s Word but encourages the meeting together with each other outside of the virtual study.

We encourage getting together with your local group in person during the third weekend of each month that we meet. When holidays falls on that third weekend then we will meet on the fourth weekend. The camaraderie that emanates from meeting together is what underscores the entire premise of our Fellowship. While the study is centered around the Scriptures, we must devote equal effort in building strong relationships with each other in a space where we cherish to be ourselves and provide vulnerability, empathy, and trust. Laughter and tears are shared here as life’s challenges are openly discussed, fostering a deep sense of unity. Please make every opportunity to truly fellowship amongst yourselves, especially those that physically live nearby.

Fellowship flow throughout the year:

  • Virtual Discussion – Begins at 7:30p ET
  • Meeting Together
    • Share insights as to how you have been building relationships here at the Fellowship table.
    • Share with the fellowship group as the Lord leads any insights or revelations you received from Holy Spirit during your studies.
    • Share Testimonies/Praise Reports
      • Revelation 12:11: And they overcame the enemy by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.
    • Share any Prayer Requests
      • James 5:13-16: Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise. Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. 

Fall 2024

Please download the Book 1 schedule calendar to your device: Calendar Link to Download to Your Calendar


9/13/24Meet & Greet

Fellowship Time:

  • Virtual Discussion – Begins at 7:30p ET

9/27/24Fellowship 1 – The Big Picture

Study – The Gifts of the Spirit:

  • Bible – Read Acts 1-3
  • Eims Text – Read pages 1-50
  • Hagin Text – The Gifts of the Spirit – Read pages 1-5
  • Big Dreams Ministries – Day 1: The Big Picture
  • Dallas Seminary Chapel Video 1 (https://voice.dts.edu/chapel/acts-and-the-movement-of-god)
  • Journal/Note any revelations Holy Spirit provides. Share with the fellowship group as the Lord leads.

10/18/24 – Fellowship 2 – A Key Word

Study- Word of Knowledge:

  • Bible – Read Acts 4-6
  • Eims Text – Read pages 50-89
  • Hagin Text – Word of Knowledge – Read pages 5-15
  • Big Dreams Ministries – Day 2: A Key Word
  • Dallas Seminary Chapel Video 2 (https://voice.dts.edu/chapel/acts-and-the-movement-of-god-part-2/)
  • Journal/Note any revelations Holy Spirit provides. Share with the fellowship group as the Lord leads.

11/1/24 – Fellowship 3 – A Crucial Passage

Study – Word of Wisdom:

  • Bible – Read Acts 7-9
  • Eims Text – Read pages 89-127
  • Hagin Text – Word of Wisdom – Read pages 15-25
  • Big Dreams Ministries – Day 3: A Crucial Passage
  • Dallas Seminary Chapel Video 3 (https://voice.dts.edu/chapel/acts-and-the-movement-of-god-part-3)
  • Journal/Note any revelations Holy Spirit provides. Share with the fellowship group as the Lord leads.

11/22/24 – Fellowship 4 – A Notable Feature

Study – Discerning of Spirits:

  • Bible – Read Acts 10-12
  • Eims Text – Read pages 127-163
  • Hagin Text – Discerning of Spirits – Read pages 25-31
  • Big Dreams Ministries – Day 4: A Notable Feature
  • Journal/Note any revelations Holy Spirit provides. Share with the fellowship group as the Lord leads.

12/13/24 – Fellowship 5 – A Timeless Principle

Study – Gift of Faith:

  • Bible – Read Acts 13-14
  • Eims Text – Read pages 163-185
  • Hagin Text – Gift of Faith – Read pages 31-41
  • Big Dreams Ministries – Day 5: A Timeless Principle 
  • Journal/Note any revelations Holy Spirit provides. Share with the fellowship group as the Lord leads.

Spring 2025

Please download the Book 2 schedule calendar to your device: Calendar Link to Download Your Calendar

Additional Links to supplement your study this Spring:


1/17/25 – Fellowship 1- Spend Time with the Master

Study – Working of Miracles:

  • Bible Read Acts 15-17
  • Eims Text – Read pages 185-219
  • Hagin Text – Working of Miracles – Read pages 41-47
  • Willis Workbook – W1 – Spend Time with the Master. Watch Session #1 video 
  • Journal/Note any revelations Holy Spirit provides. Share with the fellowship group as the Lord leads.

2/7/25 – Fellowship 2- Live in the Word

Study – Gift of Healings:

  • Bible Read Acts 18-20
  • Eims Text – Read pages 219-251
  • Hagin Text – Gift of Healings – Read pages 47-53
  • Willis Workbook – W2 – Live in the Word. Watch Session #2 video 
  • Journal/Note any revelations Holy Spirit provides. Share with the fellowship group as the Lord leads.

2/28/25 – Fellowship 3- Pray in Faith

Study – Gift of Prophecy:

  • Bible – Read Acts 21-22
  • Eims Text – Read pages 251-273
  • Hagin Text – Gift of Prophecy- Read pages 53-65
  • Willis Workbook – W3 – Pray in Faith. Watch Session #3 video 
  • Journal/Note any revelations Holy Spirit provides. Share with the fellowship group as the Lord leads.

3/21/25 – Fellowship 4- Fellowship with Believers

Study – Gift of Tongues:

  • Bible -Read Acts 23-24
  • Eims Text – Read pages 273-291
  • Hagin Text – Gift of Tongues- Read pages 59-65
  • Willis Workbook – W4 – Fellowship with Believers. Watch Session #4 video 
  • Journal/Note any revelations Holy Spirit provides. Share with the fellowship group as the Lord leads.

4/11/25 – Fellowship 5- Witness to the Word

Study – Interpretation of Tongues:

  • Bible – Read Acts 25-26
  • Eims Text – Read pages 291-305
  • Hagin Text – Interpretation of Tongues- Read pages 65-69
  • Willis Workbook – W5 – Witness to the Word. Watch Session #5 video 
  • Journal/Note any revelations Holy Spirit provides. Share with the fellowship group as the Lord leads.

5/9/25 –  Fellowship 6- Minister to Others

Study Summary:

  • Bible – Read Acts 27-28
  • Eims Text – Read pages 305-320
  • Willis Workbook – W6 – Minister to Others. Watch Session #6 video 
  • Journal/Note any revelations Holy Spirit provides. Share with the fellowship group as the Lord leads.

$10 Registration Fee per Semester